

Presentation of the book Flashback: Hermit 1992-1999 and guided tour of the exhibition Hypnagogic Cycles

Tuesday, 27 June, 2023 - 17:00


- 5 PM presentation of the jubilee publication Flashback: Hermit 1992-1999

- 6 PM guided tour of the exhibition Lloyd Dunn: Hypnagogic Cycles with a screening of Lloyd Dunn's videos

The book will be presented by editors Jakub Frank and Miloš Vojtěchovský, who is also the curator of the exhibition Hypnagogic Cycles.

The book Flashback: Hermit 1992–1999 is published on the occasion of the current exhibition of the same name at the Museum of Art Olomouc. it encompasses one of the results of the research of the archives of the Hermit Foundation and the Center for Metamedia Plasy. The book combines shorter texts with dozens of documentary photos on almost three hundred pages. The main framework of the publication is extended by documentation of the legendary 9&9 photo exhibition, which took place in 1981 – ten years before the beginning of the Hermit activities in Plasy. The structure of the book is asynchronous: alongside several new texts by participants and art historians reflecting the contemporary situation, there are transcripts of interviews with some Czech participants of symposia, samples from the original catalogs, and photographs revealing the environments the Plasy monastery complex offered in the 1990s.

We announced the publication as a jubilee book, because by pure chance it is published in the year when the author of the reconstruction project of the Plasy monastery, Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel (1677–1723), died 300 years ago, and 250 years ago its later owner, Prince Klemens Wenzel von Metternich (1773–1859) was born.