Center for New Media Art


Open Call for Autumn Workshops

Accepting Applications Now

As part of Vašulka Kitchen Brno's autumn program, three workshops will be held for artists, musicians, makers and children as well. 

Data Orchestra / Workshop with Jiří Suchánek 

17. 10. – 12. 12. 2020, Saturdays (1PM-6PM), Czech, English, Free

Meetings will take place at Studio Svitava - Transmedia Art Lab.

The workshop is focused on becoming acquainted with the principles and history of sonication (interpretation of data using sound). Participants will create algorithms converting selected data-sets into sound structures in Pure data, Max/msp, C ++ environments, work with sensors and microprocessors or get acquainted with real-time "scanning" of nature and society. The workshop is designed especially for experimental musicians, beginning electro-technologists, programmers, mechanics and data philosophers.

NOISE KITCHEN: Workshop with Nikol Štrobach (10–15 years old)

1. 11. – 11. 12. 2020, Czech, 200 czech crowns for meeting

Meetings will take place at Vasulka Kitchen Brno. 

Sequence of workshops for 10–15 years old children focuses on basics of sound design and making musical compositions. Children will construct simple or advanced sound sources. They will find out how synthesizers work, how the nature sounds, or how NASA records resonates. Later, a library of specific sounds will be created. At the end of the workshop children will compose an art work of their choice. 

IMAGE, LIGHT, SOUND: Workshops with Markéta Lisá for children for 6 years old children and older

17. 10. – 12. 12. 2020, Czech, 200 czech crowns for meeting

Meetings will take place at Vasulka Kitchen Brno. 

Series of audiovisual workshops on the basis of specific themes aims at 6 years old children and older. Young participants will acquaint with analog audiovisual technology and electronic music instruments.

Detailed information can be found in the individual sections of the program. If you are interested in the workshop or have any questions, please contact the following e-mail: